Sunday, March 3, 2019

Introduction of Unicode (python)

Introduction of Unicode

Vikas Tomar's DEV Profile
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange, better known by its acronym ASCII, was standardized. ASCII defined numeric codes for various characters, with the numeric values running from 0 to 127

  • Unicode Provide the Unique number for every Character, like as the Uppercase letter 'A' is assigned the '65' Code Value. 
  • Unicode consist of Uppercase ,lowercase letter, emoji , each each every character as code value.
  • Unicode may be 8 bit ,16 bit Or 32 bit..

Unicode has lot of benefit in programming and Unicode doesn't matter what the Platform, what Language , what  Program.

  • Let See Example Of Using ASCII Value:
  •  ASCII Code(65  to 90)

for i in range(65,91):
    print(chr(i),end=" ")

  • Similar we can use the lowercase alphabets by using (97 to 121) ASCII code value.

UNICODE TABLE :            

Properties :

UTF-8 is one of the most commonly used encodings. UTF stands for “Unicode Transformation Format”, and the ‘8’ means that 8-bit numbers are used in the encoding. (There’s also a UTF-16 encoding, but it’s less frequently used than UTF-8.) UTF-8 uses the following rules:

If the code point is <128, it’s represented by the corresponding byte value.
If the code point is between 128 and 0x7ff, it’s turned into two byte values between 128 and 255.
Code points >0x7ff are turned into three- or four-byte sequences, where each byte of the sequence is between 128 and 255.

UTF-8 has several convenient properties:

It can handle any Unicode code point.
A Unicode string is turned into a string of bytes containing no embedded zero bytes. This avoids byte-ordering issues, and means UTF-8 strings can be processed by C functions such as strcpy() and sent through protocols that can’t handle zero bytes.

A string of ASCII text is also valid UTF-8 text.
UTF-8 is fairly compact; the majority of code points are turned into two bytes, and values less than 128 occupy only a single byte.

If bytes are corrupted or lost, it’s possible to determine the start of the next UTF-8-encoded code point and resynchronize. It’s also unlikely that random 8-bit data will look like valid UTF-8.

Unicode Properties

The Unicode specification includes a database of information about code points.
import unicodedata
u = chr(233) + chr(0x0bf2) + chr(3972) + chr(6000) + chr(13231)
for i, c in enumerate(u):
    print(i, '%04x' % ord(c), unicodedata.category(c), end=" ")

  • Explanation : 

%04x is a format specifier, which only makes sense with the % operator. It specifies that the number to be formatted (in this case, ord(c)  should be formatted as a hexadecimal with four digits and zero-padding on the left. So if c is "A" , whose Unicode code point is 65, it will be printed as 0041 .

  • Unicodedata.category(chr)

This function returns the general category assigned to the given character as string. For example, it returns ‘L’ for letter and ‘u’ for uppercase.

  • Example :

import unicodedata 
print unicodedata.category(u'A') 
print unicodedata.category(u'b') 

  • Output : Lu                                            # Letter Lowercase .

                       Ll                                             # Letter Uppercase .

Monday, February 25, 2019

Insert node in red black tree

Insert The Node In Red Black Tree



 Node must be red.

~Arranged the color according to the Red Black Tree.

Root is always black

Every leaf  which nil (null) is black.

If node is red then both children must be black or if node is red, then its parent must be black.


  According to the cases.

  There are case in given below.

~ Violation of properties of red black tree.

Case :

case 1. After insert.(New Node uncle is red).

1.Change the color of grandparent of new node. 
   2.Change the color of parent and uncle of new node.  

~ New node unle is black and New node is right child of the parent.

Follow this :
1. Anti-clock wise Rotation of the grandparent of the new node.
~ New Node uncle is black and new node is left child of it's parent .

 Follow this : 
1.Clockwise rotation of the grandparent of new node.
2. Exchange color of the grandparent and parent of new node.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bubble Sort(python)


Sorting is a process to arranged the data in some type of order.
This is order may increasing, decreasing and numerical value or dictionary
in case of alphanumerical values.
Bubble Sort.
Bubble sort is very simple and easy to implement the sorting technique

Here a is a linear array of n element
1. Repeat step 2 and 3 for i= 1 to n-1.
2. Set j=1 [ Intilize counter ].
3. Repeat Step While(j>n-1)

     $). if a[i] > a[i+1] then 
         interchange  a[i] and  a[i+1]
         End if structure. 
     $). j= j+1.
    End of inner loop.
 End of step 1 outer loop.

Program to write the Bubble sort..

def bubbleSort(a):

n = len(a) for i in range(n): for j in range(0, n - i - 1): if a[j] > a[j + 1]: temp=a[j] a[j] = a[j+1] a[j+1]=temp # Or we can a[j], a[j + 1] = a[j + 1], a[j] # before sorted array. a = [4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 11, 20,45,22,63] # function for bubble sort. bubbleSort(a) print("After Sorted array is:") # b indicate the size of the array. b = len(a) for i in range(b): print(a[i],end=" ")

Red black tree(Introduction)

Vikas Tomar's DEV Profile

Red black tree (Introduction)

Red black tree is special type of binary search tree. It is self balancing binary search tree like as (AVL tree).
Some properties must be follow for red black tree.
  • Every node has a color either Black and red.
  • Root node always a black.
  • Every leaf  which nil (null) is black.
  • If node is red then both children must be black or if node is red, then its parent must be black.
  • for n node, all path form the to descendant leaves contain the same number of black node


NOTE ⇉  Whenever root is red node then we remove node by black node.


Thursday, December 27, 2018

Internships in India for College Students

Internships in India for College Students

  • Twenty19 is an student opportunity portal

 30 lakh+ college student trust twenty19..

 Twenty19 strives to educate and enable students to learn by's so useful for educated person.

InternshalaInternshala is an internship and online training platform, based out of Gurgaon, India. Founded by Sarvesh Agrawal, an IIT Madras alumnus, in 2010, the website helps students find internships with organisations in India.

InternshalaInternshala Student Partner 11 (ISP) is India's largest studentcommunity. ... During this program, you will learn to lead from the front and develop essential skills like marketing and communication while you represent Internshalain your college and understand how it all comes together for a cause

Million+ of student on this website are apply national and multinational company for internship.

Join India’s largest student community

Pattern(python 2.7.15)


Question 1.                                                                                                     OUTPUT:                                                               
n=input("enter any number")
for i in range(n):                                                        
for i in range(n,0,-1):                                                 

Question 2..
n=int(input("enter the number"))
for i in range(0,n):
    print("  ")*i,
    for j in range(n,i,-1):

enter the number6

     * * * * * *
        * * * * *
           * * * *
              * * *
                 * *

Friday, December 7, 2018


                     DO THE RIGHT THING. 

 The most original thing of every person is  do the right  thing .
it's a most difficult task of everyone .

We always know 
it's the right thing,
when in the end 
there is peace.

Everybody know that  " right thing "  is  peacefull . 
the  truth is that this path may be difficult for some person
may be not .

 ~ last but not least 
but we can try to go this path 
for few minute , hour , day , week, year or whole life .

Arrays in Solidity Programming Language.

Arrays Solidity supports both generic and byte arrays. It supports both fixed size and dynamic arrays. It also supports multidimensional ...