Suppose we have a binary tree, so
the least common ancestor of the
the least common ancestor of the
i) node 9 and node 6 => node 1
ii) node 5 and node 9 => node 5
iii) node 4 and node 6 => node 7
Definition of Nearest Common Ancestor
Let T be a binary tree. Let u and v be the nodes. The lowest common ancestor between two nodes u and v is defined as the lowest node In T that has both u and v as descendants. The Lca is the shared ancestor of u and v.
1.) If (node found)
return node
return Null
2.) Traverse the nodes in Binary Tree using the inorder traversal i.e left -> parent -> right node
Again follow step 1
3.) If the both node returns not null then it is the lowest common ancestor
If at least one node returns Null then still we haven%u2019t got lowest common ancestor
The third point can be described using the below diagram:-
class Node:
def __init__(self,data):
#Assign data to the new node, set left and right children to None
self.data = data;
self.left = None;
self.right = None;
def lowestCommonAncestor(root,n1,n2): # Here, root represents the parent node
# Step 1
if(root is None):
return None
if(root.data == n1 or root.data==n2):
return root
# Step 2
left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left,n1,n2)
right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right,n1,n2)
# Step 3
if left and right: # Both nodes return some value, then we have got the lca [ where root is lca ]
return root
if left: # If one node returned NULL
return left
return right
root = Node(11);
root.left = Node(12);
root.right = Node(13);
root.left.left = Node(14);
root.left.right = Node(45);
root.right.left = Node(64);
root.right.right = Node(73);
Output :- 13